Synchronizing into a Single Unified Front Once More
Sean and I met at our local Starbucks shop in Slidell, Louisiana today to synchronize our efforts back into a single unified front. The points of discussion for today were the continued discussions for the potential restructuring of the overall mission of our company (Evolution Through the Ages LLC); as well as the updating for the Kanboard game feature upgrade scheduling tool for the future game launch feature sequences.
With regard to the overall restructuring of our company's mission, we are currently undergoing a trial run for the structuring of how this blog could be potentially expanded upon in the foreseeable future. Once a week, we will have a specialist from a local analytical chemistry laboratory review a scholarly journal within the field of biochemistry and environmental chemistry. We are happy to be welcoming the newest member to our blogging network with this analytical chemist, Sydney Edwards.
Sydney will be reviewing article's content and posting a 1200-1700 word synopsis of the scientist's major findings; in order to continue to help the scientific community grow and prosper. We are hopeful that our audience will enjoy these weekly scheduled updates to our blog content schedule; despite posts being a slight deviation from our previous major marketing message pertaining only the continual development of the game known as Evolution Through the Ages. We do intend to still provide scheduled game content release updates and developmental behind-the-scenes commentary on this blog channel as well. These posts will continue to be run by our founder and current CEO, Jacob Stagray.
This expansion in our blog content is an attempt to continue to broaden and “evolve” the type of content that this blog will be covering; in order to help pull in more potentially interested scientific community members into a forum of scientific information and updates. It is our overarching goal to provide people with potential insight into the fields of science to aid in the better of the individual's mind in the overall understanding of the scientific world around them through the use of the scientific method.
In addition to our current feature column, we are also contemplating adding future feature columns in the fields of paleontology, microbiology, evolutionary biology, and computer science. These additions individual release dates will be dependent upon the overall success for this first feature editorial column's addition to our blog. Please keep us posted over the course of this transition process as we crave feedback from users like yourselves; as it allows us to continue to improve our product and overall user platform experience.
With regards to today's Evolution Through the Ages game development and scheduling for upcoming game release features, today we finalized the required coding for the successful implementation of the “drag-and-drop” item features This feature addition will now allow users to drop selected items more rapidly. The users are no longer required to go through the intermediate step of equipping the selected item from their “inventory panel” to their “hot-bar panel”. Instead, the user will single right click on the item they desire to select and click F1 to drop all selected items from the inventory directly between the inventory panel and the environmental world the user interacts within.
With regards to user interfaces, today we continued our efforts to establish an iOS version of our game; to reach further potential target audience members operating on different platform systems than the ones we develop on. We are also currently in the process of pushing our developed Mac High Sierra OS and Android Google PlayStore compatible versions of the game from our development team to the Evolution Through the Ages game audience members. We will keep you posted as these versions become fully integrated into the other target platforms. We greatly appreciate your patience with these developmental matters, and we are excited for you to see our continued progress; especially on these newer platforms.
For now we take our leave from blogging to return to game developing and company management responsibilities. We will be back once to twice per week to give you updates of our progress with game development features and software platform integration. Until next time we remind you to remember:
Play. Evolve. Conquer!
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