Meeting at the Mushroom (5/14/2018)
We discussed the concept of restructuring our internships to be more of a work for hire concept; similar to that of a graphic designers pay scales. Under this potential restructuring, the people who are working on the smaller components of our game's code would be paid for completion of each task needed for further upgrading the game's software.
We are still in the talks of this restructuring; however, we are interested in reaching out to potential universities to recruit skilled computer science majors for their abilities. We are still hesitant to pursue this avenue though. We are concerned with the potential incurring costs for completion of tasks. That being said, we are confident this would dramatically help us to progress the user interfaces and gameplay mechanics within Evolution Through the Ages. These costs would more than likely be earned back, when potential users are interested in the upgraded dynamics within the game's social media campaigns; before the launching of the next major upgraded version of the game. The next game version is scheduled to launch in the middle of August 2018.
We were also debating going to the gamer convention in New Orleans June 8-10th, however, we have an exorbitant amount of prior commitments that same weekend. For this reason, we concurred that we were going to try and attend a conference to help promote Evolution Through the Ages, and demo our game, in early August 2018.
Any insight from our following on potential connections or conferences/conventions we could potentially look into attending; we would greatly appreciate any and all assistance!
We are looking to potentially find partnerships between universities and school systems science classrooms. We are looking to grow our network of classrooms that are using our game to depict the processes of natural selection, survival of the fittest, adaptations, and evolution.
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