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Social Media Marketing Funnel Establishment and Optimization

     Over the course of the last few weeks, I have been spending an exception amount of time learning about concepts behind the process of successful business online marketing.  This blog article will spend a brief amount of time discussing the process of where I went to learn this information, as well as how I went step-by-step in the process of establishing our  Social Media Marketing Funnels .      To discuss how we have structured our  Social Media Marketing Funnels , we have included a diagram that was initially produced to illustrate how each one of our social media platform would feed potential customers/users through a roadmap connecting our different platforms content to increase a unified flow of content curation.  This unified flow of content curation operations of the premise of interacting differently with each potential customer depending upon the “stage of interaction “they are currentl...

Micro Creatures Compilation from Evolution Through the Ages

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Orphaned Squirrel Rehabilitation Series: Part 1

Squirrel Rehabilitation Series:  Part 1 - Is this Squirrel Truly an Orphan?       As many of you know from our posts early in the year, in 2018 Evolution Through the Ages CEO (Jacob Stagray) was responsible for the successful rehabilitation of a 3-week-old baby squirrel.  This process was extremely intricate and required an exorbitant amount of energy and focused commitment. Although this process required ample time and energy, t’was an exceptionally worthwhile and rewarding experience; however, if not performed properly, rehabilitations of baby squirrels can have deeply saddening and traumatic results (baby squirrel death). For this reason, when I began my squirrel rehabilitation endeavors, I began by scouring Google to find articles on the most effective process to ensure squirrel survival.  The following was my primary resource for educating myself in proper care techniques for orphaned squirrels: http://ww...